Monday, September 30, 2013

The energy of jealousy

Dear Energy Lady,
I have a problem.  I get jealous really easily.  My girlfriend is great, but even if she doesn't look at another guy, if one looks at her, I'm ready to punch him.  I really, really love her, and don't know what to do to keep her.  


Dear Jealous,
Jealousy is an interesting emotion energetically.  Vibrationally, on Dr. Hawkins' scale, it comes in at about 100 on a scale of 0-1000, so it's very low.  It is on the same level as fear and anxiety.   Some say it resonates even lower--down at a mere 20--which is where misery, shame and humiliation reside.

Love, on the other hand, resonates at 500.  So you can see that on a vibrational scale, jealousy has nothing to do with love, and feeling jealousy is not helping you love your girlfriend more, nor will it make her love you more.

Some say that fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.  And you can't be in fear and in love at the same time.  And you get to choose--fear or love.  If you choose fear, then you're deliberately deciding to feel tense and angry.  That's right--you're choosing it and holding on to it.  Maybe the energy makes you feel more powerful or passionate.  But as you've probably seen, girls don't stay with guys who try to control them or their lives.  Real power isn't force.  Real power is magnetic, and because it vibrates high, people are naturally attracted to it.

So the next time you feel yourself getting jealous, say to yourself, "I have a choice.  I can choose fear or love.  It's up to me."  Then try sitting back, put your arms behind your head with your elbows out, and relax.  This is a high-power body position that will help boost your self confidence.  Stay that way for two minutes if you can, and you will feel more comfortable in your own skin. In other words, your brain will believe your body that you're relaxed, and it will calm down.  While you're doing it, pay attention to what's actually happening, not the make-believe world of your own thoughts.  Chances are good that you'll see that all is well.

It's up to you.  Choose love, not fear.  Relax your body, and it will send signals to your brain that will make you feel better fast.  Try not doing or saying anything else in the two minutes it takes to do this.

Ultimately, I can't guarantee that this will help you keep your girlfriend (she didn't write to me; you did), but it will make you feel a lot better about her, any situation you're in, and yourself.  And with your vibration up higher, the relationship has a better chance to survive and thrive.  And if it does break up, you'll be in a better vibrational place for your next relationship.


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