Monday, September 28, 2009

Out of control

I love visualization. I have a really wicked imagination, and it can conjure up all kinds of great stuff that make my oh-so-ordinary life seem like a Steven Spielberg adventure. Nothing small or insignificant ever happens to me in my own mind. Between my two ears, I am a character with a story more dramatic than anything on reality TV.

If you've studied energy, then you know that thoughts are how we create the experiences of our lives. Every thought creates a corresponding emotion. Every emotion changes our vibrational field. Every vibration is magnetic to energy potentials in the zero point field. All magnetism transforms energy. In other words, when you sit down to deliberately think and feel, you'd better be careful what you wish for, because you're going to get it, although not necessarily in the form you expected.

That's what happened to me last night. My religion of birth and choice is Jewish, and last night was Erev Yom Kippur, the start of the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur. If Jews are going to show up at any one service each year, this is the one. And my husband and I belong to a huge congregation; far more than fit into the parking lot near the temple.

As we drove towards the temple last night, it was pouring. Worse, a cold wind was blowing--the first of the season. Even though we were dressed for the weather, I didn't want to walk outside one step more than we absolutely had to. So the whole drive over, I was visualizing a good space in the temple parking lot.

When we pulled up, the first service was letting out, and cars were pouring out of the lot. We were the first car in line to turn in from the left. Dozens of other cars were in line facing us on the other side of the street, but I paid them no heed, since I assumed that the police officer directing traffic would wave us in alternately. I was thrilled; I could see the spot I wanted near the door from where we were waiting.

But when the last car had vacated the lot from the first service, the officer blocked the entrance from our direction with his body and very sternly waved us on. Then he turned to the cars in the other direction, who only needed to make a right turn into the lot, and started waving them in. My heart sank. By the time we made it around the block to join that line, all of the available spaces would undoubtedly be filled.

So we pulled forward, but now I was really edgy and unhappy. As my husband turned the corner to look for another spot, there was a car blocking our way. "Go around them!" I insisted, figuring we now needed the time to walk back many blocks in order to be on time. He was irritatingly calm. "Just wait."

I was not in the mood. "We need to get going!" I insisted, "or we'll be late." Again, he was relaxed, and pointed to the car ahead of us. And sure enough, they pulled away, revealing a great big beautiful spot that was no more than 10 feet from the side door of the Temple. We parked and ran inside, 99% dry and now in a spot where it would be much faster and easier to leave at the end of services. It was a much better place than the one I first imagined; my only problem was that I didn't see it.

If I had written myself a letter that night, it would have looked like this:

"Dear Energy Lady,
I'm a serious control freak. I use visualization to make my controlling nature look more spiritual and accepting, but when it gets right down to it, if I don't get what I want when I want in the way I want, I give up on the energy stuff and figure I can force what I want to make happen. Any advice?"
And I would have answered, "Listen to yourself. 'I didn't see it.' It's not that hard to get what you need, which you can do either through visualization or good old taking action. But if you'd like to get what you truly want, you have to give up on trying to imagine a particular outcome. In other words, when you visualize, you can only imagine what you've already experienced. If you want something better than what you've experienced, then you have to let go and allow it to enter. And it helps to have someone else in the driver's seat (literally or figuratively) when you do."

The Energy Lady

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