Saturday, May 4, 2013

What isn't you?

Dear Energy Lady,
I keep trying to "get in the flow" with positive thinking.  I'm really good at doing affirmations, but my life doesn't seem to change.  What am I doing wrong?


Dear Frustrated,
You may not be doing anything wrong; it's really a question of focusing on what  else you may need to do right.

One reason why positive thinking and affirmations may not work as well as you want is because deep down, you believe they don't.  Or even if you do believe in their power, you've got some old, stuck energy that is keeping you from moving forward.

If you don't really believe they work, stop doing them.  There are other ways to raise your energy.  Anything that makes you feel light, happy and at peace will have a positive effect.

If you do believe in their power, it may not be a matter of how positive you can be.  Instead, it may be a question of how many of your negatives you need to clear.  Without clearing the negative, it's like trying to move forward with an anchor tied to your leg.  You might make a little progress, but it will be difficult and exhausting.

An easy way to explain how to do this is to consider what Michelangelo might say.  He was once asked how he went about creating the magnificent statue of David.  His answer was that he took a block of stone and took away everything that wasn't David.

So if you're trying to reveal your true, beautiful self, do the same thing.  Just take away everything that isn't "you."  You can start by thinking about how many of your beliefs do not feel good to you.  Every one is a little bit of "stone" that is blocking the flow of energy to and through you.   If you're doing a positive affirmation and feel any sort of "tug" inside, or even just a dullness--that may be your first clue that there is something to clear.  

If it feels like a block, there are several ways you can clear it.  Try asking yourself, "How's this working for me?"  Or use the Emotional Freedom Technique to tap it away.  You can also try meditating and observing it objectively, or using the Sedona Method or Byron Katie's "The Work" to release it.

If you still feel stuck and aren't making progress, you may want to seek out an energy worker who has experience with energy bodies and/or past lives.  It's possible that the blockage is something you brought into this lifetime or picked up somewhere without realizing it.  You may not be conscious of what it is or how it is energetically patterned.

In any case, keep doing the positive thinking and affirmations if you like and enjoy them.  They do carry good energy and will raise your vibration.   If you add in clearing of blockages, you'll likely find that the affirmations work better than you ever dreamed they could.


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