Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hitting in the clutch

Dear Energy Lady,
Do energy laws apply to things like sports?  My favorite baseball team is the Minnesota Twins, and my favorite player is Joe Mauer.  Joe makes a lot of hits, but he never comes through "in the clutch," which means that when bases are loaded and he comes to bat, rather than make one of his usual doubles or homeruns, he strikes out.  Otherwise, he's a really, really good player.  Is there any energy explanation for this?

TC fan

Dear Fan,
Energy applies to everything in the physical world, so yes, it also applies to sports.  Because I live in the Twin Cities too, I also follow the Twins and Mauer's performance.  So here's what might be happening:

--He could have a belief--conscious or unconscious--that he can't come through "in the clutch."  Beliefs always have an impact on our performance because we think they are true.  But they're just stories, and when we challenge them, they change or disappear.

--Although Joe is a great hitter and may hold that belief about himself, the opposing team pitcher may have an even stronger belief that he (the pitcher) can strike out anybody in the clutch, including Joe.  The person with the strongest belief often "wins" energy contests.

--Joe may not align with the feeling and vibration of hitting a grand slam home run.  He could watch a movie like "The Natural" --especially the scene where Robert Redford's character hits the grand slam and wins the World Series--and see if he feels any doubt, blockages or uncertainty anywhere in his energy field.  If not, then he could simply practice having that feeling to the point where it becomes a "knowing," not a belief.  In other words, it moves from his head to his gut instinct.

--Another thing he could do is take an affirmation like, "I hate striking out in the clutch" to "it's frustrating to strike out in the clutch" to "I hope I can get a hit in the clutch" to "I believe I can get a hit in the clutch"  to "I would love to get a hit in the clutch" to "I know I can get a hit in the clutch" to "I can't wait to get in the clutch so I can get a big hit!"  In other words, evolving a belief consciously often gets rid of the blockages.

--Another way to get the grand slam is to use the energy of love.  Joe could be saying, "I love to hit the ball"  "I love to get BIG hits!"  "I love hitting home runs!"  "I love making the fans cheer"  "I love helping the team win our games, especially when we come from behind."   If he doesn't want to say affirmations, he could just get into the feeling that these kinds of statements evoke--the result will be the same.

--He may not have any of these issues, and instead, simply be carrying some old energy from himself or others that he's not even conscious of.   In this case, he'd need to have a skilled energy worker remove the blockage from his etheric and other fields.

--He could be caught up in an egregor--an energy field made up of the beliefs of many others.  Remember that at any given Twins game, there are tens of thousands of fans.  If the majority of them believe Joe can't come through in the clutch, that will weaken his energy field and could keep the ball away from his bat.  The fans could help shift his performance by expecting the best.

--Finally, he may just need to release some old, stuck energy by letting it go.  That isn't always easy when you're a public figure, but it can be done.  Releasing alone would likely be enough to change everything for the better.

Here's wishing him a great season!


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