Thursday, February 28, 2013

What are some energetic practices for work?

Dear Energy Lady,
Like millions of other people, I feel like I am overworked.  I like my work and am happy to have my job, but feel like no matter what I get done, it's never enough.  Is there any way I could use energy to get more done, or get things done faster?

Need some good vibrations

Dear Good Vibes,
Yes indeed--there are many ways you can use energy at work to improve your results.   You'll want to look at this Fullistically--that is, with all of your energy bodies aligned and working in multiple dimensions simultaneously.  Doing so will increase your likelihood of having coincidences, signs, intuitive hints and manifestations show up to support you in whatever you are doing.

So how do you do it?

Start the day in the highest vibrational way possible.  Smile while you're still in bed.  I know it's hard, but  just lay there for a second or two after the alarm goes off, stretch and get the night kinks out, and make a big, toothy grin.  If you think it's funny, laugh--that's the idea.  As you've heard me say before, it's impossible to feel bad when you're smiling, so you're getting your good vibes up before you even get out of bed.

Then, as you go through your morning routine, stay as present as you can.  An easy way to do this is to say out loud (or mumble to yourself) whatever you're currently doing.  Ex: "Now I'm making coffee, and smelling the aroma as I open the can." "Now I'm making my breakfast, and it tastes good."  "Now I'm putting my darling baby in the car seat to take to the childcare center."   What this does is keep you out of worrying and fretting about all the things you have to do later in the day; worry not only lowers your vibration and blocks the flow of energy; it makes you magnetic to things you don't want, like hitting every traffic light or forgetting important papers at home.  If you don't want to play the "now" game, then sit down and make a list of everything you have to get done so you can get it off your mind, at least a little.

On your commute, listen to music that makes you feel happy.  I had a friend who loved German march music, and would drive with his convertible top down and the music blasting, even in the dead of winter.   He was always in a good mood when he got to work, revved up and ready to go.  Personally, I like spa or coffee house music--both keep me in a happy, relaxed mood.  Just stay away from the news, which is always bad.  (Listening to the traffic reports is ok--can keep you from hitting a traffic jam, which would only annoy you.)

At work, smile at everyone you meet, even if you have to force it.  Stay away from energy vampires or truly negative people--send them love...from a distance.

When you get to your work site, simply say thanks for the opportunity to be of service, either as a form of prayer, or just in your head.  If you have a few seconds, you can drop down into your heart space and say it--it's more powerful that way.

With each thing on your To Do list, set an intention before you begin working on it.  "I intend to get the data for this report reviewed accurately."  "I intend to be 100% safe on the production line."  "I intend to listen thoughtfully in this meeting."  Choose how you want to be, and you will be able to maintain a higher vibrational state.

Once your vibrational state is higher, you'll likely get intuitive "hints" as the day goes on.  Follow these--they're coming from your higher vibrational bodies, and are likely to help you.  You know it's not your ego talking if following the advice you're sensing makes you feel peaceful.  Ego always makes you feel powerful, different than others or separate in some way.

To manifest "coincidences" that will help you get your work done faster, decide what you'd like to have happen.  Be specific about what would be delightful.  Then say it aloud (and it's critical that you do speak the words and not simply think them, since speaking 1) announces to yourself what you believe and want;  2) improves your health, since your body believes every word you say; and 3) launches sound vibrations that carry a character, tone and intensity.  These vibrations are magnetic, and will attract like energy in the form of people and other resources).  

It is important to remember NOT to say, "I NEED this!"  or "I WANT this!"  If you do that, you just launched the energy of needing and wanting, and you'll go on needing and wanting.  Instead, say something like, "I happy welcome and accept all the loving support that is here for me now that allows me to ________ (finish this report, stay safe on my shift, listen thoughtfully in my meeting, meet this client's needs, etc.).  

If it's clients or sales you crave, you can also welcome them:  "I happy welcome all clients that would benefit from working with me; who value and appreciate the talents that flow through me to them."

Finally, choose an hour you want to leave work, and at the appointed time, put away your work and leave.  Stand at your workplace for just a moment, and bless what you have done there that day.  Remember that when God created heaven and earth, the divine did not say, "Oops!  Forgot the land and the water!"   Instead, God blessed the new creation and said, "This is good."  So all you have to do is say, "Good work today, _______ (your name).

Any of these practices will raise your vibration and make you more magnetic to the help you seek.  Using all of them (and there are more--I'll try to talk about these in future blog posts) aligns your energy bodies and keeps you well connected to the field of all potential.   The more aligned you are, the more you will draw love to and through you in ways you simply cannot imagine.

One note:  If you're feeling very negative, angry, frightened or frustrated, don't use these practices.  Instead, simply acknowledge the negative and say, "I accept that I am in a low vibrational state right now and love myself as I am."  Fighting negativity only gives it more power.  It needs love, not rejection.  And if you are willing to feel differently, add, "I am ready to feel better, and welcome all resources that will enable me to do so."

Have fun!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Restless and wondering

Dear Energy Lady,
I feel restless.  I keep thinking I should be somewhere else, doing something else.  My life's not terrible--there are parts of it I really like--but I just have this sense that there could be something more, or that I should be doing something different.

Missing a piece

Dear Missing,
Energetically, there could be several things going on. See if any of these resonates with you:

1) You have multiple energy bodies, not just the physical one you see in the mirror.  One of these is your mental body, which brings in new thoughts from the quantum field of possibilities.  You are always receiving new messages, most of which you ignore or transform into things that keep you where you are.  The higher, finer energy bodies bring us vibrations of love and joy, so if you're resisting these, it could be making you feel uneasy because you incarnated to experience both.

2) Remember that energy cannot be created or destroyed, so when people "die," they really just transform into a higher vibrational state.  Heaven isn't "over the rainbow" or "above the clouds" or "in outer space"--it's here with us, right now.  So you could be picking up the presence of your spirit guides or loved ones who have passed on, who may be lovingly nudging you towards something new, or suggesting that you look at what you already have differently.

3) You could be picking up on the vibrational field of the physical world, that insists we should both want and have more, more, more!  Our world is geared towards the accumulation of stuff and power, which, ironically, just makes us more dense and stuck.  When that happens, we feel restless because we want to break free.

4) You have a dream you've always wanted to fulfill, and it's nagging at you.  Is the time to pursue it now?  Or perhaps just parts of it?  If you did fulfill or pursue it, would it make you forget about being or doing anything else?

5) Somewhere on this planet, there is someone or something that needs your energy and is calling to you.  You might discover this in a dream or meditation state.  A friend of mine had that happen to her: she heard a name in a dream, and the next morning, looked it up in the phonebook of a major city.  She called, and the woman said, "Oh yes!  I was practicing putting out signals in my meditations. I wondered if anyone would pick it up."

6) You may have an old belief that needs releasing.  Were you raised to believe you were never good enough, or that you had to move or advance or be or do something in a particular time in order to "be somebody"?  It may just be some old junk in your head that has come up to be examined and released.

In any case, the energetic way to make it ease up is to give the feeling your full, undivided attention.  Don't try to make it go away.  Welcome it.  Sit with it.  Pretend that you are at one table together, talking to each other.  Listen to what it has to say.  If it bothers you, try to figure out why.  If it makes you feel good, consider the lesson it is trying to bring you.  It's fine if you think you're making up both parts--you are.  For you are not only the earthly, physical you.  The field of possibilities, the spirit guides, the dreams, the noise--all of it is you, in different forms and vibrational states.

So relax.  Listen.  And then likely...let go.  If you need help with the latter, check out the Sedona Method, Byron Katie's "The Work,"  Christie Marie Sheldon's "Love and Above" or "The Tapping Solution."  If the problem seems to be more subconscious or earth-bound, you may want to look into career or other forms of counseling.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feeling Stuck

Dear Energy Lady,
I'm stuck--I have no reason to feel down, yet I do.  I am overweight and hate the way I look, yet I do nothing.

Do I need a shrink?

Dear Shrink,
I am not a psychologist or any form of mental health professional, but if you're asking for an energetic take on your situation, I would say that you're at a low vibrational point, which makes it difficult for wonderful new things to enter your life.  You say you have no reason to feel down, and yet if you feel stuck, that's reason enough.  Any belief or feeling of "stuckness" can stop the flow of love and joy.

Also, if you're focused on what you hate about yourself, it's impossible to think about what you like about yourself at the same time, as the human brain can only focus on one thing at a time (multitasking is a myth--you're just "mini-tasking," and giving everything less attention).   So right now--this very instant--think of one thing you like about yourself.  If you can't think of anything, think of something you don't hate about yourself.  And if you can't do that, just sit there and smile.  It's biologically impossible for you to feel bad when you're smiling.  If you can't force yourself to smile, go turn on a funny movie or TV show and laugh.

You do know how to smile.  You've just forgotten or haven't used it in a while.  The average American child smiles 400 times a day.  The average American smiles....ready?  Less than 15 times a day.  So you're not alone.  Too many adults have forgotten how to smile.

A smile improves your health, always makes you look better, and helps others.  And energetically, it raises your vibration.  You don't need to change anything else about yourself to look and feel better.  And if you want to have some fun, go out tomorrow and smile at every single person you see.  Some won't smile back, but some will.  Smiling at others is one of the greatest gifts you can give--it's love, health, and peace, all rolled into one.

What you're giving to others, you give to yourself.  It wouldn't surprise me that if you made a habit of smiling more, you'd not only start to feel better about yourself, but you will probably hear others compliment or thank you.  People love to be around other people who make them feel good, and your weight won't matter.  The more you raise your vibration, the better people will feel when they're around you, and they won't know why.

As for your weight or other issues, it's up to you to choose what you want to do.  Make a decision, and then, as my best friend used to say, make it good.  Overweight is just stuck energy--calories that aren't going anywhere.  If you're unhappy, it's hard to know where to spend this energetic wealth.  But once you feel happier, you will undoubtedly begin to think of things you want to do or try.  The formula to lose weight is very simple:  Use the energy you have in "storage" to make good things happen in your life.  The more happiness you gain, the more weight you will lose, as long as you take action.  And if you'd rather take care of your unhappiness first, there are many loving, talented professionals who can help you do that.

No matter what you use to get yourself glowing, expect that once you make the decision and take action to feel better, you will.   If you can't do it for yourself, do it for the rest of us, because if a butterfly flapping its wings off the coast of Brazil can change the tides in Florida, then you're feeling good can impact countless others.  Happiness has a way of spreading once it starts.

I hope you feel better soon!

Energy Lady

Monday, February 25, 2013

Am I in the right place?

Dear Energy Lady,
I have started to wonder whether or not I'm in the right job.  I like the people and the work, my boss is ok and the pay is reasonable, but when I'm there, I feel like my energy is on half throttle.  I try to have a good attitude and be happy, but that's just it--it feels like effort.  What's up?

Am I crazy?

Dear Crazy,
No, you're not.  Every organization has a culture, or "the way we do things around here."  And that culture usually requires you to fit in, although that doesn't necessarily mean that you belong there.
As you fit in, you take on the energy of the group.  Much of this energy is likely to be negative, since we have 50,000 thoughts each day, and approximately 40,000 of these are framed negatively.  Even if people are pleasant, they still can--and usually do--harbor negative thoughts and feelings.  And these days, with so much stress in the workplace, it's hard not to find yourself surrounded by people who are struggling with their own focus and energy.  Multiply negativity or low vibrations by dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people, and you'll start to understand why you feel down.

So what can you do?  You can test the energy field to see if you will be able to thrive within it.  Close your eyes.  Start in your head, and imagine an elevator going down to your heart.  When the elevator doors open, step out.  See how you feel and "glow" in this heart space.  Get comfortable there--it should feel very good to you.

Then imagine the building in which you work.  Let the image blur in your imagination.  You may not actually "see" anything, but you might hear a sound or smell something or get a feeling.  In any case, you'll sense something that represents where you work.

Once you have that feeling, color or sense, allow the light that you found in your heart to approach the energy field of your workplace.  One of three things will likely happen:  1) your energy will "bounce off" the energy field of your workplace, and you won't be able to get in; 2) your energy will penetrate the energy field of the workplace, but once inside, you'll disappear or turn into a blob of nothing;  or 3) your energy will penetrate the field of the workplace, and will continue to glow and be distinct.

If the first happens, you probably belong somewhere else.  If the second happens, you will lose your uniqueness if you stay, or it will take tremendous effort that may or may not be worth it.  Again, you may want to leave and find a new job.  It the third happens, you can thrive in that environment; it's up to you to find out how and where you are best suited to the organization's mission.

Just as every organization has negative energy, it also has positive energy.  See if the positive energy in yours makes you glow.  If it does, start paying attention to where you feel best.  Notice the people, subjects, clients or opportunities that interest you the most.  See if you can work more with them.

Glow on!


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why won't things happen for me?

Dear Energy Lady,
I understand some of the principles of quantum physics and I try to use as many as I can.  But I just can't be consistent.  Work and family and other stuff gets in the way, and I find myself struggling all the time.  What can I do?


Dear Frustrated,
Energy isn't something you use sometimes and not others.  You are always using, but more important--BEING energy, because it's everything you are and there's nowhere that it isn't.  It's not something that you turn on when you're not busy and turn off when you are.  

So here's the good news: you don't need to "find time" to play with energy.  You're doing it right now, and in every instant. If you want to do it more consciously, start with becoming aware of your own energy state.  Are you in your head or in the moment?  You'll know because if you're in your head, you're probably thinking about what's happening (or not happening), not engaging with what is happening.  For instance, when you're with other people, you'll be more aware of what you want to say next than what the other person is saying, or more aware of your thoughts about this person or situation than in what's happening.  

If you're in the moment, then see how the moment feels.  Are you comfortable or uncomfortable?   Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle offers three simple ways to get comfortable with the moment:  1) Accept it as it is--this is especially true if what is happening is not to your liking.  2) Enjoy the moment for whatever is pleasant within it.  3) Allow love and energy to flow and become truly enthusiastic for and with what is happening.  

The next time things aren't going the way you want, stop.  Stop everything.  Stop talking.  Stop taking action.  Stop judging.  Stop thinking.  Just stop everything (except breathing, of course).  In that instant, you will know your present energy state.  If you don't like how you feel and how you are in that moment, you can either decide to change or allow the endless possibilities that exist naturally in the field to take over and guide you.

Stay alert.  For in the end, it is not what happens to you, but THROUGH you.  If you stay alert, you'll see that something wonderful is always happening.
