Saturday, April 5, 2014

Where is the love?

Dear Readers,
If you want to get your energy glowing, try this fun little game.  It's called "Where is the love?"

You can play it anytime, anywhere.  You can play it at work; when you're out shopping; even when you're vegging out in front of the TV.   You can play it even when you're not in the mood, or with grouchy people.   The purpose of the game is twofold:  1) to show you that live actually is all around us, all the time and 2) to show you that the connection between your own essence and the experiences you have.

To play, all you have to do is close your eyes for a brief second as you ask the question, "where is love right now?"   Let your attention drop into your heart space as you do this-it's important that you play from somewhere other than your usual negative thought stream.

Then open your eyes.  Look around you-it is likely you'll see smiles, kindness, respect or caring in some form.  If you don't, then close your eyes again for another brief second and listen-fist with your ears, but also with your heart.  Again, you are likely to hear or sense something that sounds like connection or caring.

And here's the big surprise: if you don't see, hear or sense anything, go back into your heart and feel it open into the environment around you.  Remember: nothing in life is solid -it's just a dream of energy in motion that you're animating.  So let the love you have and the love you ARE flow into the environment around you.  As you do, think or say, "let there be love."

Ta Da!  Whatever love you were looking for was inside you, so it has to be wherever you are, all the time, always and forever.  And chances are once you let it out, you'll start to see more of it everywhere you go.


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