Dear Readers,
People often ask me, "What is the fastest, simplest way to raise my energy?" So here are the three words that will change your vibration for the better:
1) "And." Use it in place of "but," and watch what happens. For example, if someone says to you, "How is your family?" and you answer, "They're great, but my son's not sure he's going to get into the college of his choice"--the "but" automatically stops the energy flow of "they're great."
So try changing it like this: "They're great, and my son is waiting to hear from one of his preferred colleges." Can you FEEL the difference?
Here's another example:
"What are you doing for Easter?"
"We're getting the whole family together, but our daughter can't join us."
"We're getting the whole family together, and our daughter will Skype with us so she can see everyone."
Replace "But" with "and." Your energy will love you for it.
2) "Yes." Start saying yes to the things and people you like and want in your life. First, do it in your mind, and then watch what manifests in your life. By saying "yes" to what you want, you'll find that you'll spend less time resisting what you don't want because your energy will be flowing in the direction that feels right and comfortable to you. Try saying "yes" at least 10 times today--just make sure it's for what you want, not to please other people.
3) "Thanks." This one is obvious, and I know you know this. But it's amazing how few of us make "thanks" a regular part of both our thinking and our vocabulary. "Thanks" is not just an acknowledgement of another person; it's also an expression of gratitude to yourself, as we play a part in everything that appears in our lives. So it is, in fact, a way of blessing your own creations. What about the things you feel you didn't create and don't want--like sickness, divorce, natural disasters, etc? This is where you find your reasons to be thankful for the love that will undoubtedly come flowing your way from friends, family and strangers. There is always a reason to say "thanks," even in the worst of circumstances.
Try "And" "Yes" and "Thanks" for the next 24 hours, and see how much brighter and better you feel! And from that higher vibrational place, you will bring more radiance into your own life and the lives of others.
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