Dear Energy Lady,
I have a ton of stuff in my house, and it's kind of a mess. Is that bad karma?
Dear Buried,
First, there's nothing karmic about a bunch of stuff. You chose your stuff; it's not your destiny.
This said, it's likely blocking the arrival of wonderful things that could be waiting for you. Every item in your house is made of energy, and has its own energy field. So if you have things piled up, neglected, and tossed here and there, think of it like rocks in a river-the flow has to go around them. And if it's everywhere, then the river is completely dammed up, and whatever is downstream-like you-gets starved of the flow.
Now, if you truly love all these things and they have value to you, then you may want to hire a Feng Shui expert and have him/her help you sort things out and arrange them in ways that enhance their beauty and the energy flow of your home.
But if what you're talking about are piles of laundry, unwashed dishes and old junk that has long outlived its usefulness, then you might want to get an organizer to help you sort through it. That's just dead energy that you no longer need. The fact that you're calling yourself "buried" says a lot. It sounds like you could use some breathing room.
Often, when people clean things up, other areas of their lives open up, too. It's not unusual to hear about long-delayed job offers coming through, hearing from people you haven't heard from in ages, or suddenly having a rush of inspiration. Once the energetic density clears, waves of possibility appear.
If you don't want to hire others to help you, ask some fiends or family members to join in. Give them what you no longer need-they'll enjoy the treasure hunt, and you'll get the benefit of a fun afternoon or weekend with people you enjoy.
So get some boxes and get glowing! And if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, happy spring!
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