Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hard-wired for pain?

Hi Energy Lady,
I have a question:  is it possible to be hard-wired for pain?  I really, really, really try to be positive, but no matter what I do, it seems like I flip right back into painful, negative thinking that makes me feel awful and results in experiences I don't want.  I'll take any suggestions you have.

Would like to be pain-free

Dear Free,
Actually, it is possible to be hard-wired for pain.  The science of neural plasticity talks about the fact that neurons that fire together, wire together.  What that means is that once you've had a trauma of any kind and you keep replaying it over and over in your mind, neurons connect and "wire" together.  So as you say, you can try to be positive, but that's like putting frosting on a brick.  The first lick might taste good, but when you bite into it...ouch!

So what can you do?  It's possible to have an enlightenment experience similar to what happened to Eckhart Tolle; one day, deep in depressive thought, he said, "I can't live with myself any more."  What happened next surprised him; he fell into a deeply meditative state, and when he came out of it, he could see the radiant energy fields of everything and everyone around him.  Very nice, but not an experience you can willingly duplicate.

Rather than try to unwire the pain, try rewiring some new experiences that feel good.  This is not positive thinking, which has a heavy downside, as each "high" state contains its polar opposite for balance.  Instead, think of a pleasantly happy, peaceful state.  Something you might call relaxed or "chill."

The way to start this is simply to affirm, "I choose happiness."  Then just relax, smile and breathe.  Don't try to define happiness--that will likely start bringing up all kinds of thoughts and reasons why you can't have it.  Just stay generally in the "happiness" realm for a while.  Hum or sing.  Keep smiling.  No need to build yourself up; just be with a not-negative state of mind and being.

The other thing you can do is when the painful, negative thinking comes up, pretend it's a character on a TV show you're watching.  That will separate it from you, and make it a little cartoonish--kind of like watching "reality" TV.  As long as it is separate from you, its vibrations aren't as hurtful.

This said, and you know that I'm not a medical professional of any kind and make no medical claims for any of what is said in this blog; if you think you might need medical help, seek it.  There are wonderful doctors and counselors in the world who are dedicated to helping people with conditions similar to yours.  There is qualified medical help, and it's widely available, even if your funds are limited or non-existent.  

Know this: there is great love in multiple dimensions for you.  Embrace it.


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