Sunday, June 12, 2011

Someone else has my job!

Dear Energy Lady,
A friend of mine was recently hired for a position that I also applied for, despite the fact that her credentials are somewhat spurious.  Now, I have trouble remaining civil with her in social situations.  I realize it's sour grapes on my part, but cannot seem to help myself.  Any thoughts on the energy complications of this situation?

Mark S.

Hi Mark,
When you are envious or jealous of someone else, what it does is put an energy barrier between you and what you want.  Not just her job, but any job.

It's because of how jealousy and envy make you feel.  When you're angry, frustrated or even frightened, your energy field pulls in tight and has a lot of static in it.  If you add in thoughts/feelings of lack, your energy field loses even more power.  It's like trying to run a car on a dying battery.  You may move forward, but it won't be with nearly the speed or power you want.  Energy begets energy.  Lack begets lack.

No amount of positive thinking or civil behavior can make up for the energetic damage you do to yourself when you're jealous.  So remember this:  first, this other person IS a good match for the job she got, regardless of her credentials.  She may fit the culture of the organization better or differently than you.  Perhaps there's a life lesson there for her that you don't need.  Maybe she felt good about the job right from the start, and embraced it mind, body and spirit.  Or, more simply, maybe she just didn't have any resistance to it, and allowed it to enter her life effortlessly.

In any case, if you really, truly want a similar job, the best thing you could do now is energetically create one for yourself.  So enjoy whatever you can about the work you're currently doing.  Look for what she did and is doing right, and incorporate that into your own thinking, behavior and beliefs.  Get comfortable with the idea that there is no real lack in the world, only that which we perceive.  No one else can get "your" job--you're the only one who can fit it energetically.

If you want to try an energetic "tune up" on this, try making a list of everything you like about her job.  Then look at everything you would have hated about having it (and there must be things, or it would have been yours).  Do a 180-degree flip on the hated things so that in the end, you create a list of only what you'd love to have in your next job (NOT her job).  Look for where in your life you already have some of those things now, or at least the feeling of them.  Read the list out loud.  Get comfortable with the feeling of being that happy in a job.  Whenever you are in the state of relaxed happiness and are speaking about what you like, are thankful for or enjoy, you vibrate in harmony with what you want.  Do that enough, and sooner or later, it will be yours.  

Relax.   Allow.  Enjoy!

The Energy Lady

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