Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bad dreams

Hi Energy Lady,
I have really, really bad dreams--almost every night.  Some are so bad that they wake me up.  Is there an energetic reason for this?


Dear Sleepless,
I'm not a psychologist, and I'm assuming that you've been or might like to see one to explore the genesis of your dreams and how they might relate to your life.

But you asked about these from an energetic point of view, so I'll share this true story:
A woman named Leslie (named changed) really hated her job.  Her friends told her to get a new job; she kept talking about the fact that she knew she needed to do it.  But she didn't act.

She had terrible dreams every night.  This is mostly because when we know there's a change we need to make and we refuse to do it, we block the flow of energy into the world that is meant to go through us.  Then one night, she had a dream that an angel came and closed a venetian blind on a crystal clear window.  On the blind, the angel painted, "Leslie:  GET A NEW JOB!"

So if you're already exploring the psychological issues with a professional, you might also like to do some energy work before bed.  Try something like meditation, gentle yoga, Chi Gong or Donna Eden's Energy Medicine.   Doing any of these will help clear your mind and restore the energetic balance in your body.

Sweet dreams!

The Energy Lady

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