Sunday, July 28, 2013

Energy vampires

Dear Energy Lady,
I have a couple of co-workers who are really negative.  I come to work with a positive attitude, but after about 10 minutes with these people, I feel like all the energy has just been sucked out of me.  I don't want to be rude, but I can't be near these people.  Any suggestions?


Dear Weary,
What you're describing isn't unusual.  Humans have about 50,000 thoughts a day, and 40,000 of these are framed negatively.  Every negative thought generates emotion, which affects our energy field.  Some people have very intense emotions, even if they don't demonstrate those with bad behavior.  You can feel their vibes as they come down the hall--they can be that strong.

So yes, there are things you can and perhaps should do.  Try this:
--Pause before you walk in the door of your workplace, and set an intention.  Say or think something like, "I am safe, happy and protected at work."  Imagine a bubble of pink light covering you from head to toe.  Nothing can penetrate this bubble without your permission.

--If someone is yelling at you or otherwise saying negative things that are meant to stimulate a negative response from you, mentally project a mirror that faces out, towards them.  Whatever they are saying will bounce off that and be reflected back to them.  You might be surprised at how quickly this stops a negative attack.

--If you forget to do these things, try simply staying present to the other person's negativity without taking it personally.  You can respond to whatever they're saying with things like, "it seems as if you're really bothered by that" or "Sorry to hear that you feel that way."  In other words, acknowledge them and their negativity, but don't take it on.  

--And if you're feeling particularly good, you can stay within your pink bubble and radiate out light and love to everyone in your office; to your clients, and to the world.  Become a source of love, peace and joy.  Don't judge anyone; realize that everyone is just doing the best they can with the beliefs they have.  Love them as they are.


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